Suzume No Tojimari – Movie Quotes

Suzume No Tojimari

“Suzume No Tojimari” is a beautifully crafted anime movie that tells a heartwarming story of love, loss, and redemption. The film takes place in a small rural town in Japan and follows the life of a young woman named Suzume, who struggles to come to terms with the sudden loss of her mother.

The cinematography in “Suzume” is truly stunning. The film captures the serene beauty of the Japanese countryside, with sweeping shots of lush forests and tranquil streams. The attention to detail in the film’s visuals is impressive, with every shot feeling carefully composed and thoughtfully executed.

Divine Gods who dwell beneath this land. You have long protected us for generations. Your mountains and rivers, that we have long called our own. I return them to you.
Souta Munakata

The ever-after is where all souls go to rest. it’s not somewhere the living can reach.
Souta Munakata

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